Topic Title: [Officer] Firstname Lastname Character)
1.1 Firstname:Iqbal
1.2 Lastname :Dominick
1.3 Age :15
1.4 Gender :laki laki
1.5 Origin :Indonesia
1.6 Education :1 SMA
1.7 Phone Number :7898
1.8 Job :Mechanic
1.9 Date of birth :05/05/1998
2.0 Place of birth :Los Santos
2.1 Blood Type :A
2.2 Height :180 CM
2.3 Weight :79 KG
2.4 Have you ever been involved in a criminal case? If yes, explain it.:
Yes. I will keep the lost city of los santos to be safe and secure and will also keep the city for the convenience of the city surrounding us all.
2.5 Tell Us About Yourself :I was born in the United States. I was born on 05/05/1998 in Lost city of Los Santos. I was raised by my mother who named Lena Dominick in the City LOST LOS SANTOS. That's where I was raised from childhood to now. My mom said my dad had died when I was still in my mother's womb, my father died was shot in the head by a group of people who are a mother grab bag containing billions. Since I was pregnant with my mother, he never give me milk. Because of that I became a man who is less than perfect. Since I was born I've been orphaned. Therefore I have a lot of friends that is intending to become a police officer in the SASD. That's all I can tell you accepted the greetings
2.6 Why would you like to be a Police Officer in Police / Sheriff Department?I want to be a police officer because I wanted to socialize to the community and also to be protective lossantos lost city. and I also want to pursue my future goals is to be a cop. And now is the key to achieve my dreams who wants to be sheriff for the city's lost lossantos. And I also got a lot of support from my close friends, my support for a San Andreas State Sheriff.
Greetings from me and so accepted the love.
2.7 Why do you think we should accept you to the department? (Minimal 100 kata)Because I am a good person, Firm, Fair. And I Often look at events that violate the rules and criminal acts. And at the same time I want to train marksmanship, driving, and most important of a sheriff is an expert pursuit.
Dengan Ini Kami Menyatakan [Iqbal_Dominick ] Akan Menghormati Atasan Dan Siap Akan Jadi Officer Yang Baik , Tegas , Adil . Jika Anda Melanggar Semua Peraturan Yang Fatal Anda Akan Di Banned Dari SASD dan Di Pecat Dari SASD.
(Out Of Character)
3.1 Nama Lengkap :Iqbal Aditya
3.2 Umur :13
3.3 Lokasi :Binjai Sumatera Utara
3.4 ID Forum : Iqbaal_Alexanders
3.5 Skala RP Anda Dari 1 - 10 : 8
3.6 Apakah anda Sudah 2 Jam main di Perlium Role Play ? sudah
3.7 Mengapa Anda Ingin Bergabung Ke SASD ?Karena saya belum pernah menjadi anggota SASD dan saya juga belum pernah menjadi polisi ataupun sheriff di kota lossantos.
3.8 Tunjukan SS Stats Kamu !!! Apakah Anda Bisa Menginstall Team Speak ? : Bisa
4.0 Sebutkan Pengertian apa saja yang anda ketahui tentang Roleplay ?:sebutkan
-PG= PowerGaming,=Loncat dari gedung tidak apa-apa,Berjalan diatas kereta,ditembak tidak apa-apa
-MG=Metagaming= Seperti dukun,misalnya melihat name tage Iqbal_Dominick dan panggil rama pedahal belum kenal,misalnya kamu pasti chief SASD ya.
-Mixxing= Misalnya kita ngomong di OOC chat dan langsung ke IC chat itu mixxing
-RK=Revenge kill=Revenge Killing adalah anda membunuh seseorang yang telah membunuh anda
CR=Car raming=Menabrak tidak memakasi RP(NON RP)
Force RP= Melawan RP orang yang Beroleplay
Tanda Tangan Tanda Tangan
(Michael McVanegaz) ( Iqbal Dominick)
Chief or Leader SASD Pelamar Officer SASD